Our Mission
We launched Jeanie’s Jar of Hope Foundation in Jeanie’s memory. Through raising funds, we hope to be able to create programs, support targeted initiatives, and educate those on how to improve the quality of life to those impacted by terminal illness – including patients, nurses, doctors, practitioners, caregivers, and family members.
Our mission: Nurturing hope and enhancing quality of life through compassionate care initiatives.
Through our experience, we learned that quality of life, as a primary variable for making treatment and medical decisions, had a significant impact on Jeanie’s well being, mental stability and clarity, and sometimes her medical response to treatment.
We were fortunate enough to have people in our lives that supported an approach that included quality of life as primary variable and we both believed that it made the difference in how Jeanie lived her life and responded to treatment.
How can this be put into application through our foundation? Learn more about our current initiatives.
Thank you and please join us in our journey.
It truly amazes me how a positive attitude along with surrounding yourself with positive energy can really can help the healing process.