Your generous donations help us fund compassionate care initiatives that support our mission. We currently support three initiatives:
Falzone Center for Cancer Care – Exeter Hospital
In December we made our first donation to benefit the new Falzone Center for Cancer Care at Exeter Hospital and had the opportunity to take a hard-hat tour of the space (Update: the center is now open!). We were so impressed with the space– including the amount of natural light, several gardens (which many can be seen from infusion rooms), to the spacious private infusion rooms–all designed with input from so many, including patients and staff to learn what was important. The thought and design of the new space embodies our mission of “nurturing hope and enhancing quality of life through compassionate care initiatives.” We’re proud to support you. Here’s a glimpse of our tour. See what the infusion center looks like now!
Annual Scholarship
Applications for the 3rd Annual Jeanie’s Jar of Hope Foundation Scholarship are now being accepted! In June we presented our 2nd scholarship to Abigail Guay! Congratulations and thank you to all who applied. This $1,500 award recognizes a student who has chosen to pursue additional education in a medical-related field that is aligned with our mission: nurturing hope and enhancing the quality of life through compassionate care initiatives. Any graduating senior from Hollis Brookline High School, who is pursuing a career in the medical field and has a passion and focus on compassionate care and helping others, is eligible to apply. This candidate must also be accepted into an institution of higher learning. Information about this scholarship is available at the School Counseling office at HBHS. Applications for the 2024 scholarship are due April 4, 2024.
Oncology Programs at Southern NH Health Medical Center
We’re honored to support the Solution Health’s Oncology Nurse Navigation program at their Nashua campus. In May 2023 we presented our second donation to this program. As many of you know, Jeanie was fortunate to be able to receive much of her treatment at SNHMC, even though her primary oncologist was located at Dana Farber in Boston. The ability to receive treatment and care locally provided relief from long commutes to Dana Farber for frequent check-ups and testing, but it also required a lot of coordination. With the newly formed Nurse Navigator program at the Nashua campus, the objective is to “ensure every patient who enters the SolutionHealth Cancer Institute with a cancer diagnosis is connected with an Oncology Nurse Navigator for care management.” While the role isn’t billable, it requires a highly qualified nurse who meets strict criteria. Plus, it provides critical coordination and help patients “engage in their healthcare and navigate them through the complexities of cancer care.”
Check back for more details about how your donations can benefit the Nurse Navigator role. And, we look forward to supporting upcoming compassionate care initiatives getting underway later this year!
It’s through the really tough moments that you realize just how strong and courageous you really are.